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Steve "Coon Dog" Coon



Coon Dog has been a police officer in the state of Missouri for 20 years now.Dog has been part of Drury Outdoors for many years and has loved every minute of it.From the hunting to the filming, it has become such a deep passion that it’s hard to put into words.

Coon Dog has been hunting since early childhood when his dad took him on many small game hunts.Coon Dog’s dad never deer or turkey hunted, but with the woodsman-ship that his dad taught him Coon Dog put it to good use when he started pursuing the majestic whitetail and the all but awesome wild turkey.

Coon Dog states he has learned a lot over the year’s from all the Drury Outdoor Team Members and he hopes that some of them have picked up a few tips from him as well, because we all know when it comes to a team, everyone’s input makes the team that much better!

Speaking of teams “How Bout Them Cowboys!” Not only is Dog passionate about his hunting, his Cowboys are also at the top of his list.

So with the help of his great wife Kathy and his awesome daughter Alisha, who both have given up so much during the hunting seasons when Dogs gone, he would like to end this with telling them both that he loves them very much and if it wasn’t for them his career in the hunting industry would not be such a success and he would just like to tell them both Thank you!



Police Officer

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